FORSAKEN Developed by Probe Published by Acclaim Entertainment, Inc April 2, 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Thank you for purchasing Forsaken. This file contains any last minute changes/additions to the game which did not make it into the instructions. For even more information, available patches and help troubleshooting, please visit our web site at and have a look at the Forsaken FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GAME INSTALLATION & OTHER REQUIRED SOFTWARE You may experience difficulties running Forsaken if you don't have the latest drivers from the manufacturer of your 3D accelerator card. The difficulties encountered when not using the latest drivers range from simple graphical glitches to the game not running at all. Please make sure you have directx5 and the new DirectPlay patch called dplay50a.exe installed. You are required to have dplay50a.exe installed or you will receive an error message when you attempt to play a multiplayer game. The file is located in the root directory on the CD. Just double-click the file and it will install itself. Running Forsaken When you run Forsaken from the Start Menu, you will be prompted with a video card selection screen. The top menu bar (Select A Renderer) lets you to choose between all the different 3D cards that have a custom executable. If you do not see your 3D card listed, choose Generic 3D Accelerator. If you don't have a 3D accelerator, choose Software as a Render to play the game. The second menu will allow you to choose between multiple accelerators installed in a single PC. The Primary Display Device should be selected if you only have one accelerator. If you're not sure which to choose, please see the list of manufacturers and which chipset they use in the Troubleshooting section of this document. NOTE: Choosing the wrong 3D accelerator card from the start menu may cause the game to crash or play with corrupt graphics. You may also miss out on some effects that are specifically tailored for your card. EXTRA SOFTWARE INCLUDED ON THE CD Netspeak WebPhone version 3.1 This program allows you to talk (like a telephone) over the Internet to anyone, anywhere, as long as you both have the software. This way you can actually talk to them before you kill them. The files is called wpsetup.exe and is located in the root of the CD. Just double-click it and it will install itself. Instructions on how to use it are extracted when you install the software. AT&T Worldnet AT&T Worldnet software is also included. If you are not on the Internet and want to be, just double-click the setup.exe file in the AT&T folder located on the CD. Running this software will set you up with an AT&T worldnet account, e- mail and everything you need to enjoy AT&T quality Internet service. Mplayer See below under Multiplayer Games COMPATABILITY ISSUSES The software version of Forsaken requires at least a 2Meg video card to run. Currently Forsaken does not work with S3 based video cards in software or hardware acceleration. Forsaken does not support S3 hardware acceleration but we may patch it so that the software version will run on these cards. There are a variety of different video cards and manufactures who used this chip. Also, many older video cards that are not DirectX compliant will not run Forsaken in software mode. If you notice black boxes around projectiles \ explosions while shooting, try the following: Make sure the texture format remains set as it's highest value 5650.Occasionally, Direct X keeps messing around with configurations and changes the texture format to 4444. If this does not help, it is also possible that your 3D accelerator does not support some of the lighting effects in the game. PCs that use the new Yamaha OPL3-SA version 4.03.2324 integrated (on the motherboard) sound chip have delayed sound effects when getting pickups or power-ups scattered throughout the levels. There is currently no fix available for this problem. CONTROLLERS Sidewinder Precision Pro If you are using the Sidewinder Precision Pro, you will need to install the SWNDR15.EXE patch to assign the base buttons. This will also allow you to delete configurations on the joystick button setup screen. This patch is located in the root directory on the CD. Logitech Peripheral problems Make sure the game port is not a "digital" or "accelerated" game port. The Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital is not currently operational with "Digital/Accelerated" game ports. NOTE: Digital/accelerated game ports are designed to take an analog joystick signal and convert it to a digital packet signal. This is intended to make joysticks more responsive and reduce drifting. Logitech Digital devices are not operational in the digital mode of these types of ports for the following reasons: -Logitech Digital devices already send joystick information (axes, motion and button clicks) via a digital signal. -These types of ports use different global drivers than the standard gameport. These types of ports typically do not use the standard gameport address of 201h Spacetech SpaceOrb This is straight from the guys @ Spacetech. "The easiest thing that users can do to get the Orb to work with Forsaken is to download and install v4.8 of our software, then reboot (as the install suggests). Then simply run Forsaken." The SpaceOrb patch on Forsaken's web page won't be needed. Everything should work seamlessly. CH Products Flightstick Pro Currently the HAT switch does not function in Forsaken. We are talking to CH Products to rectify the problem. MULTIPLAYER GAMES (game settings, options and places to play) Setting your Packets Per Second (PPS) Changing this option has a major impact on the performance of Forsaken in a multiplayer game. Due to the nature of the Internet, it's very difficult to predict all the variables involved in playing a smooth multiplayer game. The exact number of PPS will only come from some experimentation. If you experience bikers jumping around screen, bad lag, dropped players, etc., the host PC can adjust the number of PPS in-game by pressing F2 and going into Options. You can use the following as a general guideline for the PPS setting: Serial Connections 1-2 players 10-15 PPS depending upon speed setting of port Modem to Modem 1-2 players 5-15 PPS *See below Internet play (ICP/IP) 1- 2 players 5-15 PPS or higher depending on connection speed (56K, ISND, etc.) 3- 4 players 5-10 PPS (recommend for Kali and other lobby services) 5 + 5 PPS **See below Network/LANS (IPX) 1 - 16 players 10 - 20 PPS for (10MB) networks or 20 - 30 for faster Networks (100MB) * If you are having trouble connecting when playing using a modem2modem connection, try changing who is the host and who joins. Sometimes modems have trouble connecting to other brand modems. During our tests we found that X2 modems seem to have trouble to connecting to other X2 modems using DirectPlay with standard initialization strings. Keep checking the FAQ sheet for any updates on this issue. ** Forsaken currently uses a peer to peer based model for handling packets. Although we designed Forsaken for 16 players using TCP/IP protocol, the current state of technology and inconsistent Internet traffic will prevent you from having a "reliable" TCP/IP connection when playing with more than 5 players. For best game performance, we suggest that you have 5 players or less when using a TCP/IP connections, until we patch the game to support a client server based model (coming soon), which will increase the performance, allowing for more players in a game at once. Setting Lag Tolerance On/Off When you play over the Internet, the Lag Tolerance option should be set to ON. This option sets which PC determines if you hit or miss another biker when shooting at them. For instance, if you have this option OFF, the PC of the person shooting at you decides if they are hitting you or not. During Internet play, this becomes an unfair advantage for the player who is shooting, because lag will sometimes effect the actual location of the target biker, causing "phantom hits". Though in actuality they've already made it around the corner into the next room, they may take damage anyway. Keeping the option ON allows the target PC (the person who is running away) to determine if they are being hit or not, so when lag occurs, it works to the advantage of the player who is running (or being fired upon). Giving the advantage to the target is generally more accepted by online gamers then the other way around. On a LAN or network game this option becomes less important, as lag is usually not an issue. Short Packets On/Off When you play on the Internet this option should be set ON. This helps improve performance by reducing the actual byte size of the packets being sent. This has a lesser effect on performance when playing over a LAN or network. Performance indicators in a multiplayer game A red dot appearing beside a player's name during a multiplayer game signifies bad lag from that player. If the name is gray, then he or she was dropped from the game completely. There are a variety of reasons for this occurrence and its almost impossible to prevent it from happening. Sometimes the person who is dropped will be able to rejoin the game. If the host drops out, another player's PC will become the new host, allowing the game to continue without interruption. Places where you can play on the Internet Mplayer Internet Gaming Zone Kali Online friends (setting up a TCP/IP game, no other software required) Playing on Mplayer The Mplayer software is included with Forsaken. It can be installed by simply double-clicking the Mplaynow.exe icon located in the root of the CD. You can read the instructions specific to the Mplayer software which is accessible after you install it or visit them on the Web at for more information. Playing on Internet Gaming Zone To play Forsaken over the Zone, you first have to download the software at . There you will find further instructions on how to setup and play. To play using the Microsoft Gaming Zone, remember to go into the IPX area of the service to play Forsaken. Playing on Kali *Kali 1.0 does not work with Forsaken. You must have at least version KALI95 V3.1 or later. Kali is a software program/service that allows IPX games (games that require a local area network for multiplayer) to play over the Internet. If you are unfamiliar with Kali, please go to their web site at for instructions on how to download and use it. If you have Kali, setting up Forsaken to play on it requires a few simple steps. First you should configure Kali to run Forsaken. Later versions of Kali will have Forsaken pre-configured on its list of games. After you configure Kali to run Forsaken, pick a server and find some people to join you in a game. It is preferable, but not required, that the people joining have a ping of 450 or less. When deciding who should be the host, it's always a good idea to choose the person with the fastest/best connection. All players should then proceed to run the game by clicking the Forsaken icon on the bottom (if you did the setup as stated above). Choose Create Game if you're the host or Join Game if someone else is. For the connection type, choose IPX connection for Direct Play. If you are joining a game, a join session screen should appear with the name of the person's game you wish to join. (You may wish to/need to wait a few moments for the session name to appear). If you don't see a session name, press the ESC key and try again. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you see a game to join. Press ENTER when the name of the game (session) appears on the screen. If you are hosting a game, set your options and press START GAME. You should see a hosting screen that shows you the name of players that are waiting for you start the game. It's always a good idea to wait for all the players to appear on your screen before starting the game. Online friends (setting up a TCP/IP game) To play Forsaken using this method, you need people online (friends) you can contact and trade IP numbers with, depending on whether you wish to host a game or join one. Your IP number is like a street address right to your computer. If you decide to host a game, you must find a way to tell your friends your current IP number (most people get assigned a new one each time they log onto the Internet). Then set your options and press START GAME. You should see a Hosting screen that shows you the names of players waiting for you to start the game. It's always a good idea to wait for all the players to appear on your screen before starting the game. If you want to join a game, you must enter the IP number you obtained from them into the TCP ADD field on the bottom on the screen, then select TCP/IP connection as the connection method. You will then proceed to the Join Session screen. The host's game (the one you're trying to join) should appear. (You may wish to/need to wait a few moments for the session name to appear). If you don't see a session name, press the ESC key and try again. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you see a game to join. Press ENTER when the name of the game (session) appears on the screen. You should see a lobby screen that shows you the names of all the players that are waiting for the game to start. You can type messages to each other by highlighting the MSG option on the bottom of the screen. Using winipcfg file to determine your IP number There is a small utility included with Windows95 called winipcfg. This file is located in your Windows directory. (It is helpful to create a shortcut to this file on your desktop.) After you connect to the Internet, run this program and copy down the IP number from the appropriate field. Make sure that the pull down menu has PPP Adapter selected before you write down the IP number. This is the number you need to give to people who want to join your game. Although Forsaken tells you your IP number when you are creating a game, sometimes its easier to have this number handy before you run the game. PERFORMANCE NOTES (Software render) To get the most out of Forsaken Software Render mode, run the game on at least a P166. This may also help: 1) Run in Low Res Mode (320x200) 2) Try to close down other programs before running Forsaken. This means quitting other applications and disabling system services such as peer web services and ftp. 4) Turn off/lower some effects in the options menu 3) Get a 3D accelerator card TROUBLESHOOTING You may experience difficulties running Forsaken if you don't have the latest drivers from the manufacturer of your 3D accelerator card. Drivers were being changed right up to the last minute during testing with Forsaken. Note: Check out the Forsaken FAQ sheet at for a current list of problems or compatibility issues with the game. Typically, the chipset makers expect you to go to your card manufacturer for the latest drivers for their card. Although the chipset makers supply the 3D chip and driver software to card manufacturers, the manufacturer may tailor the driver to their particular board configuration, so the safest place to go for drivers for your board is the card manufacturer. In some cases, however, the chip maker also manufactures the board. The following is a list of web site addresses which you can obtain the latest drivers from. If Forsaken has problems running under the drivers you installed with your card, contact your card manufacturer for the latest version. Manufacture Web Site ATI Technologies Canopus Creative Labs Deltron Technology Diamond Mulitmedia Elsa Hercules Intergraph Computer Jazz Multimedia Matrox Miro Computer Number Nine, Orchid Technology Sierra On-line STB Systems TechWorks Video Logic Supported chipsets Usually, but not always, if a board is based on one of the following chipsets, Forsaken will run on it. Forsaken also supports other chipsets that are not listed here. 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Rush Matrox 3Dlabs Permedia2 ATI Technologies 3D Rage Pro NEC Electronics PowerVR PCX2 Nvidia Riva 128 Rendition Verite v1000 Rendition Verite v2100 Rendition Verite v2200 If you still experience any difficulty running Forsaken, contact Customer Service at (516) 759-7800, or visit us online at to view the Forsaken FAQ sheet for answers to common problems. Enjoy the Game!